LISa and resLISa sources
LISa 0.2.2 by Alexander Neundorf
These are the lisa sources. It also includes reslisa. Binary packages don't exist currently. Feel free to contact
me if you can build some. :-)
This version contains some serious security fixes.
by Marcus Thiesen
lslan is a Perl Script to print a LISa Host list on the command line.
It it also configurable to test some standard server functions on the
hosts like SMB, FTP, HTTP ,VNC ,MySQL
Init scripts
rclisa for Suse
by Marcus Thiesen
rclisa is a script to integrate the LISa daemon into your runlevel system.
It was written for (and tested on) SuSE Linux 7.1, but it might also work
on other systems.
by Patrick Alberts
A simple init script tested with Mandrake 8.0
Rename it to "lisa" and put it into /etc/init.d . Then it should
appear in the Mandrake Control Center, where you can select "boot", so that
it will be started when your system boots.
by Carlo Todeschini
An init script tested with Redhat 7.2 and 7.3.
Rename it to "lisa" and put it into /etc/init.d . Then run
the chkconfig --add lisa command.
KDE 2 client 0.2.1 by
Alexander Neundorf
Currently exists only one client for lisa and reslisa, the lan:/
and rlan:/ ioslaves for KDE2. The package here includes
both ioslaves and the setup modul for the KDE control center.
They are newer (and hopefully better) then the ones from KDE 2.1.x,
as they are here they will be part of KDE 3.x. So you can get them
also from kdenetwork/lanbrowsing.
See a screenshot
If you would like to implement another client for LISa (e.g. for the Gnome vfs or whatever),
don't hesitate to contact me, it is very simple, mainly some text parsing. :-)
Some information you find here.